- 教師: 賴 弘專
1. 按照進度閱讀以賽亞書經文與指定教科書(15%)。
2. 課堂參與與小組討論(共 20%):個人部分,需積極參與課堂討論與提問,佔 10%;團體 部分,各小組針對討論題目提出解讀與應用,每週一次將討論結果約 300-500 字 Post 在 Google Classroom 課程版上,期末給予團體成績,佔 10%。
3. 期中報告:請針對以賽亞書的一段完整經文,提出內容簡介、釋義綱要、探討問題,並列 出參考書目(至少 5 筆,含至少 2 筆英文資料),約 2000 至 2500 字,4/29 交(25%)。
4. 期末報告:6000 至 7000 字,可建立在期中報告的基礎上,內容為挑選以賽亞書全卷中一
問題與信仰反省。可事先與老師討論題目。截止時間 1/23 24:00,遲交扣分(40%)。
1. 讀完一遍以賽亞書的經文。
2. 透過舊約歷史書相關經文與參考書籍的幫助,認識猶大國晚期、被擄、與歸回的歷史發展, 藉此思考以賽亞書的信息如何回應時代的問題。
3. 每週討論 1-2 節希伯來文經文的字義與句法分析,透過自行翻譯希伯來文經文(未學過之 同學則比較英文經文),來加強了解經文意義。
4. 了解以賽亞書的文學結構與文體特色,如神諭、異象、受苦僕人之歌等等。
5. 探討用詮釋以賽亞書的一些方法(methods),並嘗試整合。方法包括:字義研究、形式評 鑑、編修評鑑、主題式研究、文學評鑑、正典形式閱讀。
6. 研讀代表性的經文以認識以賽亞書的神學如何呈現上帝的本性與人類的景況、上帝在歷史 與終末中的作為、以及人應如何在歷史中透過行動回應上帝。思考主題包括:錫安子民的 身分、真正的信靠、公義與上帝的拯救、彌賽亞君王、受苦義僕如何成就救贖、上帝與其 子民的約如何向外邦與普世開展。
7. 討論以賽亞書對後世、尤其是新約聖經的影響,並反省以賽亞書中豐富的神學對今日教
以賽亞書中的神諭與異象以環環相扣的方式,見證上帝在以色列/猶大子民數百年的歷史 變遷中的同在:審判不義者、卻又充滿憐恤;興起彌賽亞、卻又使用受苦的僕人;忠於對以色 列的約,卻又呼召萬民歸向祂。本課程希望幫助同學在以賽亞書整體的文學架構上,解釋書中 代表性的經文段落,並能夠欣賞以賽亞書如何用先知的想像力挑戰我們對上帝既有的理解。我 們也會介紹以賽亞書如何影響新約中耶穌基督與福音的信息,並反省今日教會如何聆聽這卷 書。上課進行方式為:前兩小時為講義課,第三小時為討論課。
遵守智慧財產權觀念 不得不法影印
2. 每週以賽亞書的希伯來文經文選讀(K. Elliger and W. Rudolph, eds., Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia [Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1997])。
3. 莫德(Alec Motyer)。《丁道爾聖經注釋─以賽亞書》。劉良淑譯。台北:校園書房,2001。
1.*歐思沃(Oswalt, John N.)。《以賽亞書 1-39 章》。于卉譯。South Pasadena, Calif.:美國麥種傳道會,2015。
2.*歐思沃(Oswalt, John N.)。《以賽亞書 40-66 章》。思語譯。South Pasadena, Calif.:美國麥種傳道會,2015。
1.*瓦爾特·布魯格曼(Walter Brueggemann)。《先知式的想像》(The Prophetic Imagination)。謝樂知譯。英文版:2001。台北縣:台灣基督教文藝出版社,2009。
3.*韋伯(Barry Webb)。《聖經信息系列─以賽亞書》。台北:校園書房,2009。
4.*嘉大衛(D. David Garland)。《以賽亞書研經導讀》。香港:天道書樓,1983。
1.*Baltzer, Klaus. Deutero-Isaiah: A Commentary on Isaiah 40–55. Hermeneia. Minnapolis: Fortress,2001.
2.Beuken, Willem A. M. Isaiah II: Isaiah 28-39. Historical Commentary on the Old Testament.
Leuven: Peeters, 2000.
3.*Blenkinsopp, Joseph. Isaiah 1–39: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. AB 19.New York: Doubleday, 2000.
4.*———. Isaiah 40–55: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. AB 19A. New York:Doubleday, 2002.
5.*———. Isaiah 56–66: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. AB 19B. New York:Doubleday, 2003.
6.*Brueggemann, Walter. Isaiah 1–39. Westminster Bible Companion. Louisville: Westminster JohnKnox, 1998.
7.*———. Isaiah 40-66. Westminster Bible Companion. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1998
8.*Childs, Brevard S. Isaiah. OTL. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2001.
9.Clements, R. E. Isaiah 1–39. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1980.
10.Duhm, Bernhard. Das Buch Jesaja übersetzt und erklärt. Handbuch zum Alten Testament. 2nd ed.Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1902.
11.Goldingay, John. The Message of Isaiah 40–55: A Literary-Theological Commentary. London/New York: T & T Clark, 2005.
12.———. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Isaiah 56–66. London: Bloomsbury, 2014.
13.*Goldingay, John, and David Payne. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Isaiah 40–55.London/New York: T & T Clark, 2006.
14.Hanson, Paul D. Isaiah 40–66. Interpretation. Louisville: John Knox, 1995.
15.Koole, Jan L. Isaiah III. Vol. 1: Isaiah 40-48. Historical Commentary on the Old Testament. Leuven:Peeters, 1997.
16.———. Isaiah III. Vol. 2: Isaiah 49-55. Historical Commentary on the Old Testament. Leuven:Peeters, 1998.
17.———. Isaiah III. Vol. 3: Isaiah 56-66. Historical Commentary on the Old Testament. Leuven:Peeters, 2001.
18.Miscall, P. D. Isaiah. Readings: A New Biblical Commentary. Sheffield: JSOT, 1992.
19.*Oswalt, John N. The Book of Isaiah. Chapters 1–39. NICOT. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1986.
20.*———. The Book of Isaiah. Chapters 40–66. NICOT. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998.
21.Paul, Shalom M. Isaiah 40–66: Translation and Commentary. Eerdmans Critical Commentary.Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012.
22.Roberts, J. J. M. First Isaiah: A Commentary. Hermeneia. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2015.
23.Seitz, Christopher R. Isaiah 1–39. Interpretation. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1989.
24.Tull, Patricia K. Isaiah 1-39. Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary. Macon, GA: Smyth & Helwys,2010.
25.Watts, John D. W. Isaiah 1–33. WBC 24. Waco, TX: Word, 1987.
26.———. Isaiah 34–66. Rev. ed. WBC 25. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2000.
27.*Westermann, Claus. Isaiah 40–66: A Commentary. OTL. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1969.
28.Whybray, R. N. Isaiah 40–66. New Century Bible Commentary. London: Oliphants, 1975.
29.*Wildberger, Hans. Isaiah 1–12. Continental Commentary. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1990.
30.*———. Isaiah 13–27. Continental Commentary. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1997.
31.*———. Isaiah 28-39. Continental Commentary. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1997.
1.Barton, John. Isaiah 1–39. Old Testament Guides. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic, 1995.
2.*Berges, Ulrich F. Isaiah: The Prophet and His Book. Classic Reprints. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix,2012.
3.Emmerson, Grace I. Isaiah 56–66. Old Testament Guides. Sheffield: JSOT, 1992.
4.Stromberg, Jacob. An Introduction to the Study of Isaiah. T&T Clark Approaches to Biblical Studies.London: T&T Clark, 2011. (目前最新的以賽亞書研究入門,對以賽亞書著作歷史、歷時性研究、正典研究、以賽亞書神學的各層面,皆有清楚扼要的介紹,且能引發後續的
5.*Whybray, R. N. The Second Isaiah. Old Testament Guides. Sheffield: JSOT, 1983.
1.Achtemeier, Elizabeth. “Isaiah of Jerusalem: Themes and Preaching Possibilities.” In Reading and Preaching the Book of Isaiah, edited by Christopher R. Seitz, 23–38. Philadelphia: Fortress,1988.
2.Barton, John. “Isaiah and Morality.” In Isaiah 1–39, Old Testament Guides, 45–63. Sheffield:Sheffield Academic, 1995.
3.———. “Isaiah and the Future.” In Isaiah 1–39, Old Testament Guides, 64–82. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic, 1995.
4.Berges, Ulrich F. The Book of Isaiah: Its Composition and Final Form. Trans. Millard C. Lind. HBM46. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2012.
5.———. “Kingship and Servanthood in the Book of Isaiah.” In The Book of Isaiah: Enduring
Questions Answered Anew, Essays Honoring Joseph Blenkinsopp and His Contribution to the Study of Isaiah, edited by Richard J. Bautch and Todd Hibbard, 159–178. Grand Rapids, MI:Eerdmans, 2014.
6.Beuken, Willem A. M. “The Main Theme of Trito-Isaiah: ‘The Servants of YHWH’.” JSOT 47
(1990): 67–87.
7.Brueggemann, Walter. “Second Isaiah: An Evangelical Rereading of Communal Experience.” In Reading and Preaching the Book of Isaiah, edited by Christopher R. Seitz, 71–90.Philadelphia: Fortress, 1988.
8.*Childs, Brevard S. The Struggle to Understand Isaiah as Christian Scripture. Grand Rapids, MI:Eerdmans, 2004.
9.Darr, Kathryn Pfisterer. Isaiah’s Vision and the Family of God. Literary Currents in Biblical
Interpretation. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1994.(以現代隱喻理論探討以賽亞書如
10.*Goldingay, John. The Theology of the Book of Isaiah. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2014.
11.Knohl, Israel. “Good, Evil, and Holiness in Isaiah and the Holiness School.” In The Divine
Symphony: The Bible’s Many Voices, 51-70. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society,
2003. (指出以賽亞書認為惡也是上帝本質的一部分,且以賽亞書的神聖觀將聖與道德
12.Mays, James Luther. “Isaiah’s Royal Theology and the Messiah.” In Reading and Preaching the Book of Isaiah, edited by Christopher R. Seitz, 39–52. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1988.
13.*North, C. R. The Suffering Servant in Deutero-Isaiah. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1969.
14.Rendtorff, Rolf. “Isaiah 6 in the Framework of the Composition of the Book.” In Canon and
Theology, translated by Margaret Kohl, 170–80. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1993. (探討賽 6 在
15.Roberts, J. J. M. “Isaiah in Old Testament Theology.” Interpretation 36, no. 2 (1982): 130-43.
16.Sawyer, John F. A. The Fifth Gospel: Isaiah in the History of Christianity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
17.Schuele, Andreas. “‘Build up, Pass through’—Isaiah 57:14–62:12 as the Core Composition of Third Isaiah.” In The Book of Isaiah: Enduring Questions Answered Anew, Essays Honoring Joseph Blenkinsopp and His Contribution to the Study of Isaiah, edited by Richard J. Bautch and Todd Hibbard, 83–112. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2014.
18.Seitz, Christopher R. “The Divine Council: Temporal Transition and New Prophecy in the Book of Isaiah.” Journal of Biblical Literature 109 (1990): 229–47. [賽 40:1-11]
19.———. “Isaiah 1–66: Making Sense of the Whole.” In Reading and Preaching the Book of Isaiah,edited by Christopher R. Seitz, 105–26. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1988.
20.*———, ed. Reading and Preaching the Book of Isaiah. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1988.
21.Sommer, Benjamin D. “Allusions and Illusions: The Unity of the Book of Isaiah in Light of Deutero-Isaiah’s Use of Prophetic Tradition.” In New Visions of Isaiah, Journal for the Study
of the Old Testament Supplement Series 214, edited by Roy F. Melugin and Marvin A.Sweeney, 156–86. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic, 1996.
22.Sweeney, Marvin A. “Eschatology in the Book of Isaiah.” In The Book of Isaiah: Enduring
Questions Answered Anew, Essays Honoring Joseph Blenkinsopp and His Contribution to the Study of Isaiah, edited by Richard J. Bautch and Todd Hibbard, 179–95. Grand Rapids, MI:Eerdmans, 2014.
23.Tiemeyer, Lena-Sofia. “The Lament in Isaiah 63:7–64:11 and Its Literary and Theological Place in Isaiah 40–66.” In The Book of Isaiah: Enduring Questions Answered Anew, Essays Honoring Joseph Blenkinsopp and His Contribution to the Study of Isaiah, edited by Richard J. Bautch and Todd Hibbard, 52–70. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2014.
24.Tull, Patricia A. “Consumerism, Idolatry, and Environmental Limits in Isaiah.” In The Book of Isaiah:Enduring Questions Answered Anew, Essays Honoring Joseph Blenkinsopp and His
Contribution to the Study of Isaiah, edited by Richard J. Bautch and Todd Hibbard, 196–213.
Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2014.
25.Webb, Barry G. “Zion in Transformation: A Literary Approach to Isaiah.” In The Bible in Three Dimensions, edited by David Clines et. al., 65-87. Sheffield: JSOT, 1990.
26.Williamson, H. G. M. The Book Called Isaiah: Deutero-Isaiah’s Role in Composition and Redaction.Oxford: Clarendon, 1994.